CITAD Equips Youths with Digital Skills to fight Corruption


By Khadija Aliyu

In it’s efforts to fight corruption, the center for information technology and development CITAD organized a two day capacity building for youths on accountability and anti corruption.

In his opening remarks , the executive director CITAD Engineer Yunusa Zakaria Ya’u explained that the training aims at equipping young minds with the necessary knowledge to actively participate in the fight against corruption.

Represented by CITAD Campaigns and communication officer Ali Sabo stressed that, corruption which is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain undermines fairness Justice and efficiency in the nation.

“For the next two days participants will be equipped with knowledge of budget tracking, reporting abandoned projects and elements of accountability”

He decried over rising cases of corruption which has become a menace nationwide due to lack of accountability on the part of public office holders by not taking responsibility of their mandate.

“When there’s no accountability, corruption will hold ground but citizens can promote accountability through civic engagement, social media to demand transparency”

Presenting a paper titled: Introduction to Accountability and Corruption, the center for information technology and development CITAD Campaigns and communication officer Ali Sabo identified corruption in the form bribery, embezzlement, nepotism, cronyism, fraud as major consequences to economic, political and social under development.

He maintained that, transparency as the practice of openly and clearly sharing information about actions, policies and processes within an organization or government involves making data, rules, and procedures accessible to the public.

Ali Sabo maintained that, accountability is crucial to reducing corruption through effective Institution and engagement of citizens as well as efforts aimed strengthening anti-corruption systems.

“Some of the tools for monitoring for ensuring transparency in government projects includes open Treasury portal, tracker, NEITI, FOI ACT, ICPC, and E-GMP among others “

Other papers presented include Role of Young People in Promoting Accountability by CITAD M&E office John Otaro, whistleblowing and Protecting for Whistleblowers by Senior Program Officer CITAD Isah Garba and Social Media and Digital Tools for Corruption by the Innovation and Creativity Officer Abdurrahman Abdurrahman.

Radio Nigeria reports that participants were drawn from northern states across the country.

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