CJID Charge Journalists on the Need for Accountability and Innovation in their Reportage


By Rachel Bwala

The Chief Executive Officer of the Center for Innovation and Journalism Development, Mr. Dapo Olorunyomi, says innovation is central to the progress and growth of Journalism.

Mr. Olorunyomi made this known at the opening of the West African Journalism Innovation Conference held in Abuja.

The Chief Executive Officer of CJID also stressed the need for accountability journalism and innovation.

The Spanish Ambassador to Nigeria, Juan Sell said the country would continue to sustain collaboration for the growth of Journalism and Innovation.

The West African Conference on Journalism and Innovation is the first which has brought over 300 delegates and speakers from the West African subregion to chart the path for Journalism in the region and the continent.

The African Director, MacArthur foundation, Dr. Kole Shettima said the organization was willing to support independent media as it remained critical for the advancement of democracy.

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