Ex Wikki Tourist player cautions Philanthropist against Luxury gifts to Super Eagles Players.


By Dahiru Aminu Kawu

As the Super Eagles of Nigeria is about to play their opening game at the African cup of nations tomorrow philanthropist across the country have been cautioned against making promises to the players during the tournament to enabled them play a mindful game.

Former player and captain of Wikki Tourist Football club Bauchi Adamu Kawu made the call during an exclusive interview with our staff reporter in Bauchi.

Adamu kawu observed that the amount of money and luxury items promised to a player who score a goal during the competition by some wealthy individuals was among the reasons made the players not to play as a team in previous tournament.

He explained that such promises usually made the players to be selfish in the front of goal as everybody is anxious to carry the day which made them no to play as a team in the pitch

Adamu kawu therefore advised that any Organisations, Company or private individual wishes to encourages the players with a gifts should do so after the tournament, as it would go along way in boosting moral and capacity of the players whenever they called upon to represent their country.

The ex Wikki Tourist skimmer used the session and called on Nigerians to rally around the super eagles with prayers and support before and during their matches to enable them emerged victorious in the tournament.

The Super Eagles of Nigeria is to play it group stage matches alongside the host nation Codevour, Ecotorial Guinea and Guinea Bissau.

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