Bauchi Primary Healthcare Board To Tackle Zero Dose Through Community of Practice


Executive Chairman, Bauchi State Primary Health Care Board, Dr Rilwanu Mohammed (L) and Director Disease Control and Immunization, Dr Adamu Muhammad (R) at the inauguration of the CoP in Bauchi. Photo: Murtala Muhammad

By Murtala Muhammad

Bauchi State Primary Healthcare Board has inaugurated a committee tagged Community of Practice (CoP) with a view addressing number of Zero Dose children in thirteen out of the twenty local government areas of the state.

Executive Chairman of the Board, Dr Rilwanu Mohammed said the Community of Practice is mandated with the responsibility of identifying gaps hindering immunization acceptance and proffer solutions to overcome them.

He said Zero Dose are children who missed any of the three Pentavalent Vaccines popularly known as Penta.

Pentavalent vaccine provides immunity to a child from the five life-threatening diseases of Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Hepatitis B and Hib.

Dr Hassan Shu’aibu Musa, State Focal Person Africa Health Budget Network (AHBN).

Dr Mohammed said the thirteen Zero Dose Local Government Areas in the state are Alkaleri, Bauchi, Darazo Giade, Gamawa, Ganjuwa, Itas Gadau, Katagum, Misau, Ningi, Shira, Toro and Zaki.

Speaking, the State Chairman, Community of Practice, Dr Adamu Muhammad said their Terms of Reference were to support the state to accelerate progress on improving immunization coverage by reaching Zero Dose Children, influencing budgetary allocation, releases and utilisation.

This according to him would be done through advocacy to demand for accountability and transparency, continuous analysis and tracking of immunization budget considering the agreed indicators in tandem with the state’s accountability framework and MoU targets.

The State Focal Person, Africa Health Budget Network (AHBN) Dr Hassan Shu’aibu Musa assured readiness to support the state government through the CoP to improve its budget performance, improve immunisation activities and coverage.

He said other roles of the CoP were to generate barriers that lead to Zero Dose, evidence to address them and measure thereafter achievements recorded.

The State Co-chair, Mr Jinjiri Garba expressed optimism that the composition of the persons involved indicates seriousness in what they were expected to do.

Mr Jinjiri who encouraged the state government to ensure timely release of agreed MoU funds to positively impact Zero Dose Children, called on stakeholders in the CoP to promote budget tracking, accountable and sustainability.

He assured to do all within their power towards changing the narrative of Zero Dose Children in the affected local government areas.

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