Zulum visits Borno pilgrims in Macca, emphasize unity for national development


Borno state Governor, Professor Babagana Zulum (in white) accompanied by All Progressives Congress APC Deputy National Chairman (North) Ali Dalori, State Amirul Hajj and member House of Representatives Abdulkadir Rahis when he paid Sallah visit to Borno state pilgrims at the tent city of Mina in Macca, Saudi Arabia

By Dauda Iliya

The Borno Governor Babagana Zulum has emphasized the need for unity and cooperation among stakeholders to achieve national development. 

Zulum made the call in an interview with newsmen shortly after visiting Borno pilgrims at the tent city of Mina in Macca, Saudi Arabia. 

He said the purpose of his visit is to rejoice with Borno pilgrims on the occasion of the feast of sacrifice and called on the intensity prayers for peace to reign in the state and the entire country. 

The Governor also re-echoed the need for leaders across all levels to refrain from comments capable of bringing disunity among Nigerians.

“Am calling on all leaders from President down to Councillors, to look into the possibility of uniting ourselves rather than dividing ourselves and therefore we should avoid all statements that will bring disunity amongst ourselves” Zulum stated. 

The Governor exchanging pleasantries with Chief Imam of Borno Imam Laisu Ibrahim Ahmed at Borno tent in Mina

Governor appeal to Nigerians to be patient with President Bola Tinubu’s administration, stressed the need for support from all and sundry to address the myriad of challenges facing the country. 

On the recovery effort of his administration, Zulum expressed commitment to rehabilitate victims of the conflict and rejuvenate the economy that was ravaged by insurgency. 

He expressed resolve to ease the current economic hardship and addressing the power outage experienced in most parts of the state.

“the problem of power still remains one of our major challenge in Borno state. I was told that after rehabilitating the four towers that were destroyed by Boko Haram, again two of the towers were destroyed and this is not an easy task. Both the federal government and the state government are doing everything possible to establish sustainable energy supply that will ensure prosperity and development of the state” He assured. 

The Governor then expressed appreciation to the Amirul Hajj team as well as the National Hajj Commission for the tremendous improvement in 2024 Hajj operations. 

The State Amirul Hajj, Senator Kaka Shehu Lawan lauded the Governor for the immense support to the pilgrims which include securing befitting accommodation in Macca, payment of sacrificial animals also known as Hadya and payment of basic travel allowance differential to over 1,800 pilgrims that are performing this pilgrimage in Makkah.

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