Senator Barau Celebrates Eid-El-Kabir With Constituents in Kabo


By Abdullahi Jalaluddin

Senator Barau I Jibrin, Deputy President of the Senate, joined thousands of Muslims in Kabo Local Government Area (LGA) of Kano North Senatorial District to observe Eid-el-Kabir prayers.

The Senator, accompanied by a large entourage, performed the prayers at 9 am amidst a massive crowd of residents from across the LGA.

This marks the second time Senator Barau has observed Eid prayers in Kabo, following his Eid-el-Fitr celebration earlier this year.

In a statement to newsmen, Senator Barau emphasized his commitment to connecting with his constituents, relatives, friends, and supporters, urging Nigerians to pray for peace, security, and prosperity in the country.

He expressed support for the Federal Government’s efforts to address the nation’s challenges.

The Chief Imam of Kabo, Malam Jaafaru Mustapha, led the two raka’at prayers, preaching tolerance, unity, and support for leaders.

He praised Senator Barau as a leader who prioritizes his people’s needs.

A special prayer session was held for the Senator at the conclusion of the Eid prayers.

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