MACBAN Urges Federal Government To Create Livestock Ministry For Economic Growth


The MACBAN National President, Baba Othman Ngelzarma fielding questions from Journalists in Bauchi shortly after inauguration of the new leadership, Bauchi State Chapter of the association. Photo: Murtala Muhammad

By Murtala Muhammad

The National President Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria (MACBAN) Baba Othman Ngelzarma has advocated the creation of a full pledged Ministry of Livestock by the federal government to generate more revenue and add to the country’s Gross Domestic Product GDP.

Baba Ngelzarma who made the call at the Congress and election of new leadership of the Association’s Bauchi State Chapter said creation of the ministry would go a long way in addressing the problems associated with the livestock sector.

Newly inaugurated Chairman of MACBAN, Bauchi State Chapter, Muhammad Kabir. Photo: Murtala Muhammad

According to him, the country has a large population of cattles in the whole West Africa which if fully harnessed would contribute a lot to the economy and address many issues.

Ngelzarma who argued that the recent clamour surrounding the creation of ranches for cattle breeders, was a result of complete neglect of the livestock sector, called for a rethink in that direction.

He claimed that creation of ranches was a single aspect of livestock and cannot be the only solution towards arresting the numerous problems such as herder/farmer clashes bedeviling the country.

On insecurity, the National President said in every ethic group in Nigera there were good, bad and the ugly, however noted it was out of place to make an outright generalization against any ethnic group as criminals, cautioning the media profiling against the entire Fulani as same.

Meanwhile, the Bauchi State Chapter of MACBAN has elected and inaugurated Muhammad Kabir as the new Chairman to steer the affairs of the association in the next four years.

In a short acceptance speech, the newly inaugurated Chairman, Muhammad Kabir assured to deliver on his mandate, carry every productive Fulani along and collaborate with security agencies to fish out the bad eggs.

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