Women, Peace & Security Structures in Bauchi State commit to addressing cases of SGBV.


GBV Response Referral Network Coordinator for Itas Gadau local government Malama Azima Abba. Photo; Abubakar Baba Ahmad.

By Abubakar Baba Ahmad.

Participants at a review meeting on UN Women, Peace and Security WPS Project have restated commitment towards the realisation of all set objectives of the project’s second phase.

They made the commitment at the end of the 2-day workshop on implementation of the project with structures established to include Women Mediators Network, HeforShe and SAP Implementation Committee held in Bauchi.

One of them and Village Head of Dan Iya Malam Sulaiman Bashir who appreciated UN Women for the knowledge imparted, disclosed that his office has so far engaged 136 women in Peace Committees towards addressing the growing cases of Domestic, Sexual and Gender based violence.

Malam Sulaiman Bashir noted that the workshop has afforded the various structures to identify areas of weaknesses and strength, hence the resolve to work together towards overcoming the obstacles.

Members of WPS Structures at a workshop in Bauchi.
Dan Iyan Bauchi Malam Sulaiman Bashir and Member HeforShe Bauchi State.

On her part, the GBV Response Referral Network Coordinator for Itas Gadau local government Malama Azima Abba said the cases of rape and other gender related cases have reduced drastically due to the activities of Women Mediators Network and similar organisations in the areas of advocacy, sensitisation and prosecution of offenders.

Azima Abba further disclosed that the network had also established the Young Mediators group with 15 young females and Youth Peace Club with 12 young males who report cases of Sexual and Gender based violence in their communities for prompt response.

She said the network also succeeded in prosecuting about seven rape offenders with some serving jail terms and over thirty gender based violence cases treated.

According to the Coordinator, they have is a GBV Committee put in place which comprises of a Paralegal, Security, Psychosocial and Medical personnel to pursue such cases to a logical end.

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