NGGW trains stakeholders on Climate Smart Agriculture



The Director General of the National Agency for the Great Green Wall Dr Yusuf Maina Bukar has reaffirmed the commitment of the federal government to training farmers and stakeholders in modern techniques of smart agriculture to boost food production.

Dr Maina Bukar stated this during the opening ceremony of a two-day training for NGOs and other related stakeholders in modern techniques of smart agriculture for the eleven participating northern states held in Kano.

Represented the Director of, the Kano Operational Office Alhaji Aminu Yahaya Isa said the training was geared towards enhancing the knowledge of farmers on smart Agriculture for a better future in the agricultural sector.

He said the training will provide the participants with knowledge of how to fight land degradation, atmospheric changes, rainfall changes, and other climate changes.

” Our DG has been attending formal functions all over the world, and parts of the knowledge he learned during those functions is this type of alternative agriculture, especially climate-smart agriculture, that is why he instructed that such knowledge should be passed to various stakeholders to achieve the set objectives “

In his remarks, the consultant of the program Mr. Daniel Jeremy said the training would go a long way in enhancing the knowledge of farmers on climate-smart agriculture.

” at the end of the training, we expect that the representatives of the NGOs and stakeholders would have gotten the requisite knowledge of climate-smart agriculture, even though some of the participants are not farmers, but we also expect that at the end of the training, there would the desire in them to get into farming while they also go out train farmers in the community”

Aisha Suleiman from Jigawa state is among the participants of the training, she applauded the federal government for organizing the training, adding that it would go a long way in boosting agriculture.

Sixty patricians drawn from the eleven participating states were attending the program.

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