Ecowas Parliament Adopts Drafts Rules Procedure Report


By Abdullahi Jalaluddin

The Ecowas Parliament during Its Extra Ordinary Plenary Session Presided Over by it’s First Deputy Speaker Senator Barau Jibrin has Adopted the committee report on Draft Rules of Procedure of the sixth Legislature.

The Parliament Adopts Draft 2024 Annual Work Plan after series of delibrations and contributions from Parliamentarians representing different countries of the African Sub region .

Speaking during the Plenary, Senator Barau Jibrin said the Draft Annual Work Plan will serve as a guide line for effective service delivery.

” The strategic Plan is a roadmap that serves as a beacon for guiding the parliament efforts towards realizing a more prosperous , peaceful and inclusive West Africa”

Among the priorities of the Ecowas Parliament includes Enhancing Peace and Stability, Ensuring Economic Integration ,and Social inclusion among others.

Shedding more lights on the Adopted Document ,The Secretary General of the Ecowas Parliament Bertin Some said the Strategic plan of the Sixth Legislature of the Ecowas Parliament has Covered all the thematic areas and is subject to review when the need arises .

Some of the Parliamentarians who contributed during the Plenary advices for adherence to implementation of the Strategic plan for Effective Service Delivery.

Radio Nigeria recalled that the ongoing extra ordinary meeting of the Ecowas Parliament will end on 25th May 2024 in Kano.

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