Islamic scholars prays for peace, bumper harvest, economic recovery on Arafah Day


Chief Imam of Borno, Imam Laisu Ibrahim Ahmed during a special prayer for peace and economic recovery for the nation in Arafah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

By Dauda Iliya

The Chief of Imam of Borno state, Laisu Ibrahim Ahmed has led other Islamic scholars in special prayers for sustainable peace, bumber harvest and economic rejuvenation in the county.

The Imam led the gathering of scholars in Arafah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia climaxing this year’s Hajj exercise.

The prayer session, attracted a large number of Ulamas, government officials, traditional rulers, staff of state pilgrims welfare board, and other Muslim faithful was aimed at fostering unity and invoking divine intervention to myriad of challenges facing the nation.

Imam Laisu emphasized the importance of seeking Allah’s guidance and blessings during these challenging times facing the country. He urged the faithful to pray fervently for an end to the security challenges, improved agricultural output, and the revitalization of the economy.

Imam Abubakar Kachalla one of Ulamas that participated in the prayer session
Cross section of pilgrims from Borno

“As religious leaders, it is our duty to mobilize our people to seek divine intervention for the betterment of our society. We must come together and pray for peace, prosperity, and progress in Nigeria” the Chief Imam said.

The prayers included supplications for the restoration of peace in Borno and other conflict-affected areas in parts of the country.

Scholars also prayed for abundant rainfall and a successful farming season to boost food production and alleviate the impact of the ongoing economic crisis.

Other scholars that partipated in the prayers are Sheikh Abubakar Kachalla, Sheikh Muhammad Mustapha and Imam Shettima Habib.

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