Era of deficit in handling Arms, ammunition in customs is over- CGC


By Abdullahi Jalalalluden

The Comptroller General of the Nigeria Customs Service, Bashir Adewale Adeniyi, says the era of deficit in handling weapons and ammunition is over in the service.

The Comptroller General disclosed this during the passing out parade of 2023 junior officers recruit course held at customs training school Kano.

He said out of over 500,000 Applicants, only 956 were admitted into the Custom Services.

The Comptroller General urged the new recruiters to utilized the opportunity adequately and be diligence in their service to the Custom and indeed the entire Nation.

“you the Graduating recruit’s you represent the future of our organization. It is upon your shoulders that the responsibility of meeting the aspirations of our great nation rests, I want you to be mindful of the fact that your recruitment into the Nigeria Customs Service was merit-based.”

The CGC, urged Nigerians to reviews their confidence and truths in the Custom Officers holding weapons, as the era of rampant untrained shooting of innocent Nigerians was over.

Let me assured Nigerians that the era of our Men while holding weapons would be shooting innocent Nigerians due to lack of sound training is over and has gone forever, and will not be repeated”.

“You are expected to serve your nation with diligence, discipline, and the highest level of integrity at all times. Upholding these values is not just a duty but a necessity. Always be smart in appearance, for it reflects the pride you take in your role as customs officers. Be the embodiment of excellence and service in every aspect of your conduct”

He added said the new recruites have gone through regimentation with Weapons and they specifically trained to protect the lives of Nigerians rather than killing them.

The Commandant of the Custom School, Rasheed Adahunse, said the trainees covered topics on enforcement, revenue, valuation, export and import procedures, passenger selection, parcel post, administration, ITC and some other valuable things.

He added that the Recruits have mastered the drills and Excell in academic activities within six months while they were committed to checking boarder activities with joint efforts of the Communities.

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