By Abdullahi Jalalalluden

As lead agency in the protection of critical national assets and infrastructure, the State Commandant, NSCDC Kano command,Comdt Mohammed Lawal Falala, has inaugurated a special night patrol team comprising gallant officers of the command’s Armed Squad Unit as well as personnel drawn from 8 Divisional Offices in the metropolis.

In a media statement signed by the commands published relations officer DSC Ibrahim Idris Abdullahi, said the Patrol team is to embark on night hours patrol duty with special emphasis of safeguarding critical assets of government ranging from electrical/telecommunication installations, oil and gas pipelines, streetlights, rail lines, as well as pipe borne water equipments.

” They’re to also keep vigil and launch a manhunt of criminals at some identified flashpoints with a view to keep Kano and its residents safe and secured.”

The highly spirited and good to go officers assured the State Commandant of their readiness, resilience and total commitment in curbing crimes and criminality within Kano and its environs.

It could be recalled, the NSCDC Kano command has recently arrested about 10 vandals and have since been arraigned now serving various jail terms.

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