Saudi Arabia repatriates 167 illegal migrants to Nigeria


By Khadija Aliyu

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has deported 167 illegal migrants to Nigeria.

The National Agency for the Prohibition for Trafficking in Persons( NAPTIP), Kano Zonal commander Barrister Abdullahi Babale made the disclosure to Radio Nigeria in Kano.

Speaking on behalf of the Zonal commander, the Public relations Officer NAPTIP Kano, Aliyu Abba , explained that,after through investigation,it was discovered that,seven out of the illegal migrants repatriated from Saudi Arabia, were from Ghana,while one is from Burkina faso.

The Zonal commander however stressed that, no fewer than 255 were rescued from human traffickers, in collaboration with international organisation for migration (IOM),saying that, the agency received a total number of 983 illegal and irregular migrants, who left the country without proper documentation.

“These people were on their ways to different countries ,like Saudi Arabia, Beirut. Dubai Lebanon and other foreign countries ,they were apprehended and brought back to the country, through Malam Aminu Kano International Airport(MAKIA)”

Barrister Babale pointed out that, all those rescued from human traffickers or received as illegal migrants that needed prosecution were charged to court ,while others that were non Nigerians were deported to their respective embassies and reunited back to their families .

Commenting on various risks involved in human trafficking, he noted that , there were personal and societal risks on their way to Libya and Italy, such as intimidation and harassment by the respective foreign countries security patrols, while some traveling through the desert met their untimely deaths.

The Zonal commander hinted that, some deportees who had contracted diseases,like HIV and other asexually transmitted disease,could easily passed them to innocent citizens.

He stated that, most people that were victims of human trafficking, were desperately in search of greener pasture in foreign countries, but found themselves been used by human trafficker to achieved their selfish ambitions.

Barrister Babale, however advised innocent people not to become a prey in the hands of over ambitious persons ,who were ready to sacrificed their lives to achieved their selfish ego.

He highlighted that, NAPTIP Kano had secured 17 convictions from January 2023 to date.

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