Borno Govt To Boost Agriculture, Trade in Lake Chad area.


Governor Babagana Zulum accompanied by some military officers in a Naval vessel on the shores of the Lake Chad.

By Dauda Iliya

The Borno state government says it will exploit the huge agricultural potentials in Lake Chad area to boost food security in the region. 

Governor Babagana Zulum stated this when he paid an assessment visit to some areas on the shores of the Lake Chad where he ferried over twenty kilometers on Baga side of the Basin. 

He reiterated his administration’s plan to enhance agricultural activities along the shores of the basin and to also increase avenues for trans-border trade between people living on the Nigerian side and those from Chad and Niger. 

The Governor observed that during the assessment tour, agricultural activities is picking up along the Lake Chad , noting that returning communities hitherto depending on Government support and humanitarian aid would have sources of livelihood.

 “We are here to see how we can support large-scale farming, this town was ravaged by the insurgents and people were resettled back about last two or three years. So, in order to provide a means of livelihood to the people we have to exploit the potentials of the Lake Chad, Zulum said. 

Governor Zulum assured to support the Nigerian Army and the Navy to clear the waterways so that movement by boat from Baga to Chad can commence which in earnest. 

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