By Nasir Malali

The chief of Army staff, lieutenant general Toareed Lagbaja has described the media as a force multiplier in the Nigerian Army ‘ operations in the country.

The chief of Army staff stated this in his opening remarks at the fourth quarter of the Army Civil Military Cooperation, Media Chat held at the 8 Division Nigerian Army, Sokoto state.

The chief of Army staff who was represented by the general officer Commanding the eight division, Major general Godwin Micheal Mutkut said the media Chat was aimed at fostering Military Media relationship for effective military operations across the country.

He noted that the Nigerian Army recognizes the positive impact of the media in shaping public opinion and it’s contributions towards national development.

Lieutenant general Toareed Lagbaja assured that the Nigerian Army would continue to engage the media for effective service delivery.

In his speech, the chairman Nigeria Union of Journalists Sokoto state chapter Comrade Dalhatu Safiyal Magori said the Nigerian Army was a creation of the Nigerian constitution to protect the country ‘s boundaries stressing that it is necessary that the people are always informed of the wellbeing and progress of their army operations.

Comrade Dalhatu maintained that the Media, army cooperation is crucial to achieving socio-security and economic development of the country.

He added that the best approach to dealing with contemporary security challenges in the country is by ensuring synergy that drives the collective strength of security agencies and media organizations to defeat the common enemy.”

Radio Nigeria correspondent in Sokoto report that the participants were thrown from media organizations in Sokoto,Zamfara and Kebbi states.

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