Kaduna flags off construction of Vocational and Technology Skills City to train youths on various skills



Kaduna State governor, Malam Uba Sani has performed the groundbreaking of Kaduna State Vocational and Technology Skills City to train youths on various modern skills to enhance technology skills for self reliant.

Speaking at the event in Rigachikun, Igabi local government, Governor Uba Sani said Kaduna State Vocational and Technology Skills City has the potentials of transforming Kaduna State into an IT Hub.

Governor Sani explained that, the Skills city would provide professional qualifications recognized by employers and Technical, Vocational Education and Training TVET institutions.

“The establishment of the Kaduna State Vocational and Technology Skills City is therefore our administration’s response to the urgent need to reskill and upskill our citizens to handle technical and technological tasks in importantand strategic business concerns. It is also to prepare Kaduna State youths for a rapidly changing world by equipping them with skills to make them employable”

“I want to specially appreciate the Office of Vocational Training and Employment Promotion (OFPPT), Morocco and the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE), Nigeria for collaborating with the Kaduna State Government to make this life – changing initiative a reality”

According to him, the Vocational and Technology Skills City will train Kaduna State citizens and issue certifications on Oil & Gas, Welding and Fabrication , Articulated Vehicle Driving, Automobile Gas Conversion and Microsoft/CISCO/Huawei International Certification.

Others are Automotive Mechatronics, Solar Power Installation, Electrical Installation , Tiling, POP Making, Carpentry and Joinery, Fashion and Design, Aluminum Fabrication and Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.

The Governor noted that government is targeting to graduate 400 trainees every quarter while In one year, the Skills City will graduate and certify about 1,600 trainees.

Malam Uba Sani has also constituted a Kaduna State Vocational and Technology Skills Development Council to drive it vision of vocational and technological skills acquisition, and to specifically manage the SKILLS CITY.

According to him, the Council will be responsible for Producing an Action Plan for the development of skills for youths and citizens of Kaduna State, Coordination and Supervision of the Plan of Action among others.

“Be said The Council will also: (a) Develop, validate and determine training standards and curriculum content based on employment and industry need analysis to ensure qualitative and relevant/need based training (b) Identify, analyze and prioritize the training needs of the youths, and other citizens of the State, and (c) Arrange skill upgrading, professional development and customized courses”

“Members of the Kaduna State Vocational and Technology Skills Development Council have been carefully selected based on their skills, competences and commitment to the SUSTAIN Agenda of our administration. I am confident that they will discharge this assignment with total commitment and dedication”

“This investment has a large potential multiplier effect. It will provide business and employment opportunities. In no time Kaduna State will become a leading KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY in Nigeria. We are gradually erecting the pillars. We are investing in education and training, developing information infrastructure, and creating innovation systems. We must give this initiative our best shot”

Deputy Governor of the State Dr Hadiza Balarabe, some members of the State Executive Council and other stakeholders have attended the groundbreaking ceremony.

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