By Khadija Abdullahi

Kaduna State Government and the Stakeholders on education have been advised to encourage career day program both in primary and secondary schools across the state.

The Principal of Government Day Secondary School, Rafin Guza, Mallam Ali Baba Jibrin made the call during a special career day program held at the school.

He said career day program is the foundation that guide the students to choose what they really want to become in future and help them to achieve it.

Mallam Ali Baba Jibrin said, his school made it mandatory to organize a career day every year and to encourage students to achieve their desire objectives.

In an interview with Radio Nigeria Kaduna, the Exam officer of the Government Day Secondary School Rafin Guza, Mallam Bashir Muhammad appealed to government and the parents to support school’s activities for the development of education in the state.

Bashir Muhammad who is also part of the organizing committee also appealed to government to continue to prioritize the educational sector.

A Home Economic Teacher in the School, Mallam Jamila Sani Ahmed was optimistic that the career day program would achieved it’s desired objective.

The Village Head of Rafin Guza, Alhaji Kabiru Adamu appreciated the Principal and the management of the school for organizing an important events.

He also advised parents to support the education of their children for the development of the state and the country.

Students Hauwau Sa’ad and Ahmed AbdulKadir selected to be a marketer and a pilot respectfully.

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