By Khadija Aliyu

The speaker Kano state house of assembly (KNHA),Alhaji Jibril Isma’il Falgore has reiterated the lawmakers dedication, in making laws aimed at uplifting the state to international standard.

Alhaji Jibril, made the pledge while receiving the management of
Kano state public complains and anti corruption commission (PCACC),at the state house of assembly.

He explained that, as representatives of the people, KNHA would do everything possible within it’s powers, to make laws that would have direct impact on the lives of the citizens.

The speaker, assured Kano state public complaints and anti corruption commission that, if submitted, the house would ensure timely amendment of the PCACC bill, to achieve the desired objectives.

“The state government under the leadership of Alhaji Abba Kabir Yusuf does not tolerate corruption”

Earlier, the chairman Kano state public complaints and anti corruption corruption (PCACC),Barrister Muhyi Mahuyi Rimin Gadon, pointed out that, they were at the house of assembly to strengthen the existing cordial working relationship, and appeal to the house to amend the PCACC law.

He stressed that, the commission is facing various challenges which includes legal bottlenecks, forfeiture, funding, establishment of new departments among others.

“The commission was established in 2008 and amended in 2010,the present administration does not interfere in the activities of PCACC it is working independently”

The PCACC chairman, was accompanied by all the directors, from the various departments in the commission.

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