Northern Governors forum express confidence to overcome all the challenges bedevelling development of the region.


By Aminu Dalhatu

Northern Governors have expressed confidence that with the support and cooperation, they will overcome any obstacle and achieve their shared aspirations for a brighter future for the northern region and Nigeria at large.

The Chairman of the Forum and the Governor of Gombe State, Alhaji Mohammadu Inuwa Yahaya stated this while delivering his remarks during the forum meeting in Kaduna.

Alhaji Yahaya said Human capital development is very critical to the progress and prosperity of the region, lamented that, Northern Nigeria is currently bears the burden of the highest number of out-of-school children in the world.

The Governor described it as an unacceptable reality that they must urgently address, which he said, every child deserves access to quality education and the opportunity to develop the skills necessary to succeed in today’s rapidly changing global economic landscape.

“As leaders, we have a moral obligation to invest massively in education and skills development, healthcare, and social services in order to unlock the full potential of our youth and empower future generations”

Alhaji Inuwa Yahaya pointed out that, Regional integration remains a cornerstone of their collective vision for a prosperous northern region, he however urged members of the forum to deepen their collaborations in infrastructure development, human capital enhancement, trade, security cooperation, and cultural exchange. Together.

He expressed deepest sympathy and unflinching support to the people of Kaduna, Katsina, Niger, Plateau and Zamfara States, who have been facing unprecedented security challenges recently.

“Let us stand together in solidarity by offering our firm commitment to supporting our fellow northern brethren during these difficult times.

According to him,,Security remained top on their agenda, stressing that, during their last meeting, the forum reaffirmed it willingness to work with the Federal Government in order to provide lasting solutions to the security challenges bedevilling the region.

“Since then, we have had various engagements with the National Security Adviser, service chiefs, coalition of northern civil society groups, and other relevant stakeholders on charting a way forward for sustainable peace and stability in northern Nigeria”

Governor Yahaya pointed out that, as the nation continues to deliberate on the issue of state police, it was important that they begin to explore state policing models that are built on the foundation of cooperation and collaboration amongst northern states.

The Chairman urged his colleagues not to lose focus, but to strive, sustain and enhance the legacies of the nation founding fathers.

He further stated that, Northern Governors must adopt holistic approaches that promote environmental conservation, sustainable agriculture, and responsible resource management so as to safeguard the livelihoods of people and preserve it natural heritage for generations yet unborn.

Alhaji Mohammadu Inuwa Yahaya added that the meeting is a demonstration of their collective resolve, determination and unity, nothing that their people are looking up to them in this period of extraordinary challenges and they cannot afford to fail them.

In a remark, Kaduna State Governor, Malam Uba Sani revealed that, the meeting affords them an opportunity to look at their successes and challenges so far in the war against terrorism, banditry and kidnapping and fashion new strategies for a final push against these enemies of development.

Governor Sani reiterated hi earlier call for Northern States to develop a Common Strategy and Operational Plan to tackle insecurity by establishing a Command and Control Centre to coordinate joint efforts.

He urged his colleagues to re-strategize and come to a conclusion on forging a common approach to the development of Northern Nigeria.

Malam Uba Sani also disclosed that, they have been working assiduously in their respective states to address it developmental challenges, but the disturbing development indices in Northern Nigeria requires a collective and sustained effort.

“We need to fashion a Marshall Plan for the development of Northern Nigeria. Let us pull resources together to develop our Road, Rail, Solid minerals and Energy Infrastructure. Agriculture is another key area we can pull resources together to reinvent the economy of Northern Nigeria”

Governors of Bauchi, Zamfara, Katsina, Kaduna, Nasarawa, Gombe, Maiduguri while Jigawa, Kano, plateau, yobe, Benue, Kwara, Niger, Adamawa and Sokoto are Deputies.

The governors are currently in closed meeting.

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