FG Vows to Sanctions Companies producing substandard products for water supply, Irrigation


By Abdullahi Jalaluddin

The Federal government says it will Sanction any company found guilty of producing substandard products for water supply and irrigation.

The Minister of Water Resources and Sanitation Prof Joseph Utsav disclosed this when he paid an inspection visit to a company in Kano which specializes in producing water pipes and other irrigation gadgets.

He warned that the government cannot condone those that are into the production of any gadgets that are not of standard saying government will sanction any company that will bring substandard products into the country.

He said part of the president Tinubu’s renewed hope Agenda was to boost indigenous companies with the aim of creating more job opportunities to the teeming population of the Nation.

Professor Joseph Utsav encouraged government at all levels to expedite action in partnering with indegineous companies who specialize in producing water pipes and other irrigation gadgets geared enhancing adequate supply of water for consumption and irrigation services.

“This is part of the mandate of the renewed agenda of President Bola Tinubu. We encourage water users to partner with them.

“We also call on those in the irrigation sector to partner with them as well. The duty of the Federal Government is to supply pottable water to the people as the states and local governments should also do.

“We have to take these measures to secure the water supply schemes as many of the water schemes have failed due to substandard materials” the minister stated.

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