By Dauda Iliya

Intending pilgrims from Borno State, have commended the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) and the Borno State Government for the outstanding feeding arrangements provided for them in Macca and Madina.

The pilgrims, who are currently in Macca preparatory for the commencement of the Hajj rites on Friday next week, expressed their satisfaction with the quality and quantity of the meals served to them daily.

Correspondent Dauda Iliya who is currently in Macca reports that 1,646 out of the 1,815  intending pilgrims from the state have completed their stay in Madina where they performed the prescribed spiritual activities and visited all the holy sites.

Intending pilgrims from Borno State receiving their dinner from the officials at Glass House, one of the accommodation housing Borno pilgrims in Macca

One of the intending pilgrims, Hajia Fatima Usman, said the food provided has been nutritious and culturally appropriate, catering to the diverse dietary needs of the pilgrims.

“The meals we have been receiving since from Madina to here in Macca are really fantastic. The variety of dishes, including local delicacies, has been impressive. We are grateful to NAHCON and the Borno State Government for ensuring we are well-fed during this spiritual journey,” Hajia Fatima stated.

Another pilgrim, Mallam Abba Kyari, praised officials of the feeding committee and the caterers for their professionalism and attentiveness to the pilgrims.

“The catering staff have been very responsive to our requests and complaints, if any. They ensure we are served hot, fresh meals on time. This has gone a long way in making our Hajj experience comfortable and memorable,” Kyari said.

However, another pilgrim Alhaji Mohammed Ali complained that some pilgrims who attend night prayers at the Grand Mosque sometimes missed their meals, calling on the officials to make special arrangements for them.

Chairman feeding committee of the Amirul Hajj team, Dr Ibrahim Adam expressed delight at the positive feedback from the pilgrims, saying it was a testament to the state government’s commitment to the welfare of its citizens undertaking the Hajj exercise.

On complaints that some intending pilgrims missed their meals, Dr Ibrahim said the committee has requested the caterers to make extra provision for the meals during breakfast and dinner to ensure all the pilgrims are not left out.

“Our priority is to ensure our pilgrims are well taken care of during this spiritual journey. The commendations from the Borno pilgrims show we are on the right track, and we will continue to work with NAHCON to maintain this standard,” Dr Ibrahim stated.

Our correspondent reports that last batch of pilgrims from Borno State are expected in the Holy land in the next two days. 


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