Brain Drain : Over 500 Medical Consultants leaves Nigeria


By Abdullahi Jalalalluden

The Migration of Medical Consultants from Nigeria to other countries in search for greener posture has been described as a great set back to the development of the Nation.

The president of the Medical and Dental Consultants Association of Nigeria Professor Mohammad Aminu Disclosed this during a media briefing held in Kano at the end of the 13th Biennial Delegates meeting and scientific conference which took place in the state.

Professor Mohammad Aminu explained that the rate at which Medical consultants were Living out the Country for greener postures was very alarming , hence government needed to implore proactive measures to curtail the challenge.

He said the Association has called on government to organized all the necessary stakeholders towards revitalization and revamping of Nigeria’s Health Care system for the provision off affordable and accessible health care delivery.

The President noted that the Association urged government to save the medical education through provision of improved infrastructure, adequate funding and. remuneration of staff.

Professor Mohammad Aminu Maintained that the Association had noted the appeal made by the Coordinating Minister for Health and Social Services during it’s 13th Biennial Delegates meeting and scientific conference to shelve it’s planned industrial action in order to allow the new government to settle down and critically appraise the issues raised by MDCAN.

“Nigerian Health Care system is facing a myriad of challenges that include poor financing, brain drain, in adequate health care facilities, obsolete equipment, and poor insurance coverage “

He added that lack of synergy between teaching hospitals, Universities , and the regulatory bodies has contributed to failure of the sector.

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