By: Usman Mohammed Zaria

The National Primary Healthcare Development Agency has described Mallam Umar Namadi of jigawa state as best performing Governor on health in North-west.

The Executive Director of the agency, Dr Faisal Shuaibu stated this when the team from the agency paid a courtesy visit to the Governor at government house Dutse.

According to him, the governor is among the new elected governors that assumed office for first tenure but his performance on health sector supersedes all other governors in the zone.

He further explained that, the state claimed the position through using some indicators that include domestication and implementation of some federal government’s health programs which no doubt improve health service delivery.

Dr Faisal Shuaibu said, other indicators are provision of basic healthcare infrastructures as Jigawa achieved the target of one basic healthcare facilities in each political ward across the 27 local government areas of the state.

He pointed out that, the present administration in the state also succeeded in reducing the maternal mortality rate from it’s initial stage through the improvement of routine immunization.

Dr. Faisal therefore promised more support from the agency to state government, urging other states to emulate from Jigawa for better health services delivery in their respective states.

Also speaking, Governor Umar Namadi assured to continue collaborate with agency for the improvement of health services delivery in Jigawa state.

He said, though the state are suffering from inadequate human resources but, his administration already designed a strategies to overcome the challenges.

According to him, the state government introduced J-health where all graduated health students from the state will be engage as temporary workers for a duration of one year and later be observed as permanent workers base on their performance.

He said, the state are suffering from inadequate human resources but, his administration already designed a strategies to overcome the challenges.

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