Visually impaired,NEPWHAN,others attend Kano 2024 budget public hearing.


By Khadija Aliyu

The Kano state disable forum, has appealed for inclusion and establishment of assistant education technology computer center, for the visually impaired.

A member of the forum, Abubakar Nura Yusuf, made the call during a public hearing on the 2024 appropriation bill,held at Kano state house of assembly.

According to him,people living with special needs face a lot of challenges, due to lack of sign language interpreters across the state tertiary institutions, lack of inclusion of PWDs in scholarship opportunities, and the disabilities commission that is yet to be established.

The network of people living with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria (NEPWHAN),advocated for increase in budgetary allocation to Kano state agency for the control of AIDS (SACA).

Speaking on behalf of NEPWHAN Kano chapter, Malama Raliya Musa explained that, a budget code for the network under SACA, would go a long way in empowering those living with the infection.

The civil society action coalition on education for all (CSACEFA),Kano chapter under the leadership of Dr. Auwal Halilu, emphasized the need for quarterly budget reports for public consumption,increase in capital allocation to reduce governance cost, and more oversight functions by the state assembly.

Dr.Kabiru Hamisu Kura from Kano state accountabilities forum on education (K-SAFE), highlighted that, availability of contingency funds goes a long way in providing support to the education sector,saying that, strengthening free and compulsory education, through timely release and over sight functions, would go a long way in yielding positive results.

The Kano state led accountability mechanism (KANSLAM),called for additional DMCA funds, recruitment of additional human resource for health,and judicious and timely use of funds.

Maryam Garba Usman from center for advocacy in gender and social inclusion (CAGSI), spoke on behalf of the grown up children at Nasarawa children’s home, who face discrimination in terms education,health, shelter,marital problems and livelihood.

Tsakuwa mu tashi mu farka, needs urgent intervention from the state government on road construction road from Tsakuwa to kwanar kantsi to Ladin Makole,while the national youth council of Nigeria Bagwai branch, appealed for more commitments in education,health,water supply, sanitation,youth employment and agriculture.

In his welcome address,the speaker Kano state house of assembly (KNHA),Alhaji Jibril Isma’il Falgore, represented by the majority leader Alhaji Lawan Hussaini Dala explained that, the house had injected over 1 billion naira projects based on citizens demands in the 2023 budget.

In his vote of thanks, the chairman house standing committee on appropriation,Alhaji Aminu Sa’adu Ungoggo, represented by his deputy,Alhaji Abdulhamid Abdul Minjibir commended the large turn out of CSOs,CBOs, NGOs, development partners, academicians, media and all relevant stakeholders at the 2024 budget public hearing.

He reiterated the house standing committee on appropriation’s dedication, in capturing citizens needs and aspirations, to move Kano state to global standard.

Others who attended the public hearing includes PERL (ECP) FIDAC,CHRICED,zumunta youth development association Sumaila,Gaya development association,war against injustice,Gwale community initiative,Nasiha youth development and education empowerment,ward state development committee,Kumbotso youth development association,among others.

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