By Murtala Muhammad

The USAID funded State Accountability, Transparency and Effectiveness (State2State) Activity has applauded the four focal Local Government areas in Bauchi State citizens’ inclusion during budget preparation and other Public Financial Management.

State2State Activity’s Senior Male Specialist, Abuja main office, Sani Mohammed Ibrahim made the commendation at the first quarterly Pause and Reflect meeting organized by the Activity’s Bauchi Field Office.

Sani Ibrahim said the Local Government Areas of Alkaleri, Bauchi Misau and Katagum based on the interactions have exhibited high sense of responsibility and the State2State was pleased with the level of success recorded in in that regard.

He urged the four LGAs to continue the good work they were doing and advised them to build a synergize with the Ministry of Local Government and Chieftancy Affairs in all dealings to make greater impact on their people.

Cross section of participants at the first Pause and Reflect quarterly meeting with LGA Budget Officers, Civil Society Organizations and Ward Development Committees held in Bauchi. Photo: Murtala Muhammad

The State2State Senior Male Specialist also advised the participants to always seek advice from Civil Society Organisations CSOs with technical expertise, especially on issues that were not clear to them.

The Chairman, Bauchi State Network of Civil Society Organisations (BASNEC), Mr Jinjiri John Garba said it was gladdening to hear that the citizens were consulted on issues that has to do with execution of any development project in their domain.

Mr Jinjiri Garba acknowledged that State2State was investing a lot of resources in offering technical assistance to the Budget Officers of the four LGAs, particularly on Public Financial Management (PFM), Community Chater of Demand (CCD) among other interventions.

He however called on the LGAs to do more and strategize for sustainability, towards ensuring that citizens get dividend of all developmental projects sited in their areas.

Speaking on behalf of the participants, the Director Budget and Planning, Katagum LGA, Yusuf Hassan assured commitment to put more effort in addressing the identified loopholes.

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