Yobe State Government Reiterates More Commitments To Uplift The Standards Of Education.


By Mala Abdulazeez

Yobe State Ministry for Basic and Secondary Education says it will introduce policies and programmes to boost students’ enrolment, retention as well as completion particularly among girl child across the State.

The State Commissioner for basic and secondary education Dr Muhammad Sani Idriss, made the disclosure when he paid an advocacy and Consultative visit to the palaces of Emir of Fika and Chairman Yobe State Council of Chiefs, Dr Muhammad Abali Ibn Mohammed Idrisa and his counterpart Mai Potiskum Alh Umaru Bubaram Ibn Wiriwa Bawuya.

The Commissioner reaffirmed the position of the Ministry towards actualizing the policies of the present administration of reviving the standard and quality of education across the state.

Dr Muhammad Sani while interfacing with the monarchs, said the Ministry under his watch has introduced policies and programmes in the education sector with a view to further boost students enrolment, provide Conducive Learning Environment and build the capacity of teachers.

He therefore called on the Royal Fathers whom he considered as fore front stakeholders to contribute immensely through various means in this regards.

Sani explained that the visit was also aimed at debunking all rumours around reboarding some secondary schools in the state.

In their separate remarks, the Royal Fathers after welcoming the development, expressed their commitments to support all Government Policies that have direct bearing on the masses, especially on policies geared towards freeing their wards from the bondage of ignorance and poverty.

The Royal Fathers also commended the Executive Governor of Yobe State for his constant attention to the education sector

The Commissioner was accompanied by the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Education
Alh.Bukar Aji Bukar, Executive Secretary STSB, Alh Dauda Atiyaye, SUBEB Secretary Alh Isa Shettima and other Directors from the Ministry.

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