Governor Uba Sani presents 458 billion naira budget proposal for 2024 fiscal year before the state House of Assembly.


By Aminu Dalhatu

Kaduna State Governor, Malam Uba Sani has presented a budget of over 458 billion naira before the state House of Assembly for the 2024 fiscal year.

The Governor while Presenting the budget at the floor of the house, said it tagged Budget of Rural Transformation for inclusive development.

Malam Uba Sani explained that over 318 billion was earmarked for capital expenditure while over 139 billion naira was for recurrent expenditure.

“This budget has been prepared cognizant of the current economic realities in the country. Removal of subsidy on Premium Motor Spirit (PMS), high inflation, and unification of the exchange rate have made it imperative for sub-national governments to make necessary adjustments in their policy, programme and project considerations. States must also adopt fiscal discipline, transparency, and accountability through efficiency in allocation and utilization of available resources”

“The draft 2024 – 2026 estimates are based on the adjusting the size of the budget to conform with realizable revenues in view of current economic realities and providing funds for ongoing projects and inherited capital liabilities while embarking on new priority projects within the multi-year time-frame of 2024-2026”

“Improving the internal revenue generation and revenue collection capacity of the relevant State agencies”

“Based on our vision and policy direction, the 2024 – 2026 Multiyear Budget is tagged “Budget of Rural Transformation for Inclusive Development”.

Malam Uba Sani also stated that, the draft Budget prioritised capital spending in accordance with his administration SUSTAIN Agenda, which not only aims to deliver inclusive development through the provision of critical infrastructure especially in rural communities, but also delivering on social protection and human capital development to reinvigorate the productivity of our people, create jobs and boost the economy.

Governor Uba Sani explained that the budget propose to spend 115 billion on Education, 71 billion naira on Health, and the sum of N94 billion naira which is one-fifth of the budget or 20.42% is allocated to the Economic sector, including Agriculture, Public Works and Infrastructure, and Housing.

The Governor who also highlighted the proposed allocations to each sector in the proposed 2024 budget said Consolidated Financial Statement, Opening Balance 13,802,778,118.60, Internally Generated Revenue 120,001,818,558.44, Statutory Allocation from Federation Account 84,386,659,966.04 , Others (Exchange Gains, Excess Bank Charges, Equalization Funds, & Ecological Funds) 7,150,000,000.00 among others.

He pointed out that, his administration places high premium on Human Capital Development. Consequently, Education and Health Sectors are receiving priority attention.

“We are determined to revitalize the Agricultural Sector in order to create jobs for our teeming youth population and ensure food security in our state. To ensure a safe environment for farming and business activities, we have made safety and security our topmost priority. Our security agencies have made remarkable progress in securing our state despite challenges”

According to Governor Uba Sani through effective implementation of the budget, his government will bridge the gap between the rural and urban areas, revitalize the rural economies, address poverty frontally, empower people, address infrastructure deficits, and renew the people’s belief in governance and democracy.

Malam Uba Sani described the budget as a Life Transforming and expressed confident that House will give expeditious consideration to the Budget.

“It is now my honour and privilege to formally lay the 2024 Budget proposal for the consideration and approval of this Honourable House. May God give you the wisdom and zeal to expeditiously consider the 2024 Budget proposal for the betterment of the good people of Kaduna State”

Deputy Speaker of Kaduna State House of Assembly, Mr Henry Magaji Danjuma reassured commitment of the house to ensuring speedy passage of the year twenty twenty four Budget estimate.

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