Dabo:The New Face of good governance in Toro,100 days after


By Awwal Suleiman Tilde

The most adorable definition of democracy by Abraham Lincoln has never been given a second thought untill recently when Hon. Ismail Haruna Dabo contested and won convincingly the February 2023 National Assembly elections as Member Representing Toro Federal Constituency.

Many could not see politics beyond the problems until his surgeon to changed People mindset that Politics remain a viable option to salvage their challenges.He travelled to the nooks and crannies of Toro touching lives of the vulnerable.

His slogan of Hasken Zamani is now traveling like a wind in the forest in the Constituency because of his love and admiration to those he represents .The last time,He visited Tilden Fulani, magama-Gumau, Nabordo and Zaranda Communities was indeed memorable and a home calling as both the young and the old were all out to welcome him.

They beliefs in his mission and vision to transform Toro Federal Constituency to a better place for all. Many who shared their opinion said,he is a different creature among the breed of politicians the Local Government has ever produced in recent times.He is someone that has never run away from responsibilities and a good listener to the people at the time of the need.

It is on the above assertions that he was turbaned as Talban Toro by Katukan Bauchi and Hakimin Kasar Toro in recognition of his Community service in Toro Local Government and beyond.Toro Politics is now an entirely different ball game as he has succeeded in changing the antics of politics of self serving to politics of service to humanity and the People.After the first 100 days of his well deserved first term, Dabo has lived up to the expectations of the people considering his steps and quick legislative interventions.

He has supported in cash and in kind the local Community vigilantees to help the main stream Securities to curb incessant insecurity challenges.

By far, he remains the best performing member of the Federal House of Representatives since the return of the fourth Republic in 1999. He came with a slogan “Hasken Zamani” which is signifying the light and the new beginning for the electorates.

It is the light that brings hope to the hopeless and a voice to the voiceless.The Hausa song ” Haske yazo aiki yazo ” signifying the light has come and democracy dividends are now felt in just a 100 days are real.No doubt,this phrase is gradually redeeming the lost glory of Toro Politics been the largest in west Africa and the country.

He has stated in a very clear terms during his campaigns that if elected,he will focus on improving the living standard of his people.This includes tackling security,job creation,further infrastructural development,education for the people,improve healthcare,develop agriculture and economic development through sound legislative interventions.

He has kept his words by first appointing 76 legislative aides to bridge the communications gap between Representatives and their Constituents.It is in line with this vision that,He distributed 3000 bags of Fertilizer under the Haske Farmers Care across the 17 Wards of Toro Federal Constituency.

As part of his efforts to enhance Security architecture and frame work for Surveillance,he has flagged off the Construction of a Security Office in magama-Gumau.

During the most unfortunate incidents of security challenges in Toro LGA in Lame district and Toro districts.He has reached out to His Excellency the Executive Governor of Bauchi State Senator Bala Abdulkadir Mohammed CON,the inspector General of Police and other Stakeholders concerns on the urgent need to deploy Special Security units to curb the incessant kidnappings following his condemnation of this ugly situation in national and international Media.The interventions have so far minimize the crime to a barest minimum and the response of the Executive Governor of Bauchi is recognize in a profound way.

His commitment to the rapid growth of Toro Federal Constituency is growing by the day and his Contributions in this phase is acknowledge as per second per second. Considering the hardships been experience as a result of Subsidy removal,he has rolled out food support program for 1000 households.

He has empowered 120 women under Haske Kudin Jari to the tune of 6m,a scheme he launched long before winning elections to curb the increasing poverty and it is expected to cover the 17 Wards in the future. It was launched in magama-Gumau of Toro districts and the next will be in Lame district before eventually moving to Jama’a District for inclusivity.

He has renovated over 150 boreholes across the Constituency as an urgent steps to make portable drinking water available to all which has so far reduce the level of typhoid and maleria cases by a great percentage.

There are pointers that Hon. Dabo will continue to wax stronger in politics and governance as the bill for an establishment of Federal Medical Centre Toro will be presented before the House of Representatives for first reading after the recess.

This if Pass into law and sign by the President will boost health care services delivery which will reduce the travelling distance of Toro indigenes to JUTH and ABUTH teaching hospitals in Jos and Bauchi respectively.

He is an optimist that does not ignore reality and those who think may sabotage his optimism towards redefine and changing the political narratives of Toro Federal Constituency for the benefits of all are just magical thinkers.It is only Magical thinkers ignores or dismisses reality that in just 100 days ,we have witnessed tremendous achievements and performance of high magnitude.

Even in the face of adversity, he knows that something good will emerge and a very area of trouble gives out a ray of hope and the one unchangeable certainty is that nothing is certain or unchangeable.

Toro Federal Constituency despite chunked of opportunities and our national presence at the centre,let not shy away from telling the good Constituents that for the first time,under him Toro politics is now a reference point in Bauchi State and the country at large.

Every path of politics in Toro is a fair share of negative and positive sides.But what really matters is that becoming a political representative is an avenue to serve the people.

He has leveraged on his position to come more closer to his people,despite his schedules and enhancements,he has always devoted his time to visits his Constituents at the time of their joy and sorrow during weddings and for condolences.

His appointment as Adhoc Committee Chairman on Ecological Funds and Great Green wall by the Speaker of the 10th House of Representatives Rt.Hon.Tajjudeen Abbas PhD to investigate the Utilisation of Ecological Funds and Foreign donations by the agency for great Green wall is not surprising due his rich history of transparency and accountability in governance.

Though,he is coming to the House of Representatives as a first timer yet he is found worthy of charing an adhoc Committee.

He is also the deputy Chairman of Public Assets.No doubt,he has proven to be a young man with great foresight who is dedicated to an emerging new Toro Federal Constituency in next coming years.

But the question which needs no argument.Is he qualified?,Does he has right experience to achieve these feats?,Is lack of experience responsible for the poor performance of most political office holders? Is educational qualification an added advantage for good leadership or is personal transparent integrity a core value to becoming a promise keeper and trust worthy political leader to the people? Do the politicians take the oath of office to serve, protect and to provide good governance?.

The above questions have put Hon. Ismail Haruna Dabo (Talban Toro) ahead of his contemporaries.He is a champion and the game changer of Toro Politics where service is the emphasis.

Recently,his meeting with Stakeholders and some Party faithfuls from Tilden Fulani Ward that has been ravaged by Erosion where he promised to leverage on his office to find permanent solution is a welcome development.

He is a lion leading an army of sheep fighting not with guns but with mind , capacity and experience to deliver the devidents of democracy for all irrespective of tribe,Religion and Party affiliations.

He has proven to be an advocate of Youths and women inclusion in governance where the light is blinking and is gradually redeeming our hopes for a better future that the unborn generation will be proud of.He is the change that the good citizens of Toro have been yearning for and the change that we have been waiting for. In just 100 days,our archives are filled up with the good track records of his achievements and many more are still counting in the next coming years.

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