Northern Governors Forum assures thorough investigation into Tudun Biri tragic incident and compensation.


BY Aminu Dalhatu

Northern Governors Forum has assured that all the 19 Northern governors are working collectively to ensure the, tragic incident at Tudun Biri is thoroughly investigated with a view to compensating the victims and taken corrective measures so as to prevent future occurrence.

The Chairman of the forum and Governor of Gombe State, Alhaji Inuwa Yahaya made this known during the inaugural meeting of the governors meeting in Kaduna.

Governor Yahaya who stated that, as governors of the Nineteenth Northern States while commending the Federal government for it renew vigour in the fight against insecurity, said more needs to be done to bring an end to the menace of Kidnapping, banditry, communal clashes and terrorism bedavelling the region.

According to him, the issue of security and development are connected, saying that, they must to approach them collectively while emphasizing that, without security there is no development.

Governor Inuwa Yahaya explained that, investors can only invest in an environment where their access and resources are secured.

He said Critical infrastructure like roads and bridges as well as human Capital investment in education, health care can only be flourish in an atmosphere of peace and security.

The Governor argued that, people can only go their farms and pursue other economic lively hoods and Other Social activities when their Safety is guarantee, stressing that, addressing security challanges is crucial for the overall development of the Northern region.

“All the 19 Northern governors stand United in their commitment to address such challenges through enhance collaboration with security agencies strengthening local law enforcement, community engagement and dialogue as well as the adoption of morethan technology, legal and administratively reforms as well as addressing the root causes of insecurity”

According Governor Yahaya, the Economic Development of the Northern region that inform their commitment to repositioning the New Nigeria Development Company was established in 1949 as the Northern region development board.

He further stated that, the NNDC had played significant role in the Economic Development of Northern Nigeria and it has a crucial role to play as they seek to revive and diversify their ailing economy, enhance regional comparatives, explore new opportunities and create jobs for the teaming youths.

“We take double on the effort of my predecessors inorder to reposition the NNDC and all its subsidiary company and put them on the part of sustainable growth and long-term profitablity”

Beyond the NNDC, he said the Governors forum must explore ways to harness it comparative advantage in Agriculture, Solid Minerals and the renewable energy inorder to propel the region forward.

In his welcome address, Governor Uba Sani of Kaduna State said Northern Governors must work together towards empowering the people as key production forces for the growth of the North.

According to him, ths required deliberate policy designs and implementation in ways that recognizes the critical role of leadership in leading such initiatives.

“Regionalism, in the context of what the North represents, is an expression that is embedded in shared identity and purpose, anchored on the principle of mutual respect and cooperation between and among states”

“The people of the North, regardless of political, ethnic and religious inclinations, are one people, with a shared destiny, that are not driven by any short term consideration”

Governor Sani pointed out that, for the Northern Governors Forum to remain relevant, they must to forge unity among it people and collaborate on issues of development.

He emphasised that, the Governors must fashion a Marshal Plan for the development of the North which requires concerted and sustained action.

“Dear colleagues, the vision for the design of a strategic agenda for the development of the north should be anchored on a core ideal that puts the people at the center of our aspiration and drive. This is simply because the mandate we got to lead, emanated from the people”

Governor Uba Sani also stressed that the Governors forum must develop a Common Strategy and Operational Plan to tackle insecurity.

“We must establish a Command and Control Centre to coordinate our joint efforts against terrorists, bandits, kidnappers and other criminal elements in our region”

“This effort at charting a new course for our region will come to nothing if we fail to provide strong leadership. We must therefore effectively mobilize our people around this common agenda, create the enabling environment, leverage the human and material resources of the region, deliver on our promises to the people, and at all times put the welfare of the people at the center of our development agenda for the Northern Region”

“I thank you all for your individual and collective condolence messages on the loss of our citizens in the unfortunate Tudun Biri military drone attack”

After the welcoming remark, the meeting when to a closed door.

Governors of Gombe, Kaduna, Borno
Katsina, Plateau and Zamfara, Taraba are attending the meeting.

While other states were Deputy.

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